The Catholic Church and the Baptist church are both in the Christian circle, but they have such a large difference in their services, beliefs, rituals and decoration of the church. The following paragraphs explain all these examples and more.
In the Baptist church, the service is a mixed choice of their service and what they do. They firstly have worship and then they have a prayer of their choice and then a sermon by the pastor. The Baptist has a wide range of individualism. Every one of the different Baptist churches has a different personal prayer and sermon each week, they are laid back and very casual. Whereas the Catholic Church has a set service every day, every year. Every catholic church in the world has the same prayers and the same repetitive stand and sitting for the set hymns and speaking. The Baptist church has only one service every week and they sing worship every Sunday. But the Catholic has many services during the week called mass, but only sings hymns on the Sunday service.
The two churches believe in difference of baptism. The Catholics believe that when a baby is born they have to be baptised into the faith, with a little sprinkle of water. The Baptists believe that Baptism can only be through immersion. Immersion is limited to adults and to such children that have reached an age where they can understand the meaning of baptism.
The Baptist church believes salvation is regeneration, or the new birth, is a work of God's grace where believers become new creatures in Christ. It is a change of heart created by the Holy Spirit through conviction of sin, to which the sinner responds in repentance toward God and faith in the Lord. The Catholic Church believes that salvation is by works and practicing the sacraments. They also believe that there is a place called purgatory, where they go and suffer after death until they are cleansed from their sins then they go to heaven.
In comparing the two churches when I visited them, I felt that the Catholic Church had a more strict, formal and very bland service. All through being in the church I felt anxious of all the icons and pictures and statues around the church. It was very confronting that you could feel some sort of spirit inside the church. Whereas the Baptist church was a lot more like my own denomination and it was laid back, relaxed and more comfortable. There was also a sort of spirit in the church but it was more lively and full of joy and hope. The church didn’t have any icons or pictures which relieved me because I was not used to them. I felt that I enjoyed the Baptist church a lot more than the Catholic.